Publisher Account Login

ECPA publisher members are invited to upload their Author Profiles to the ECPA consumer website at
The designated representative from each ECPA member publishing house has been provided a user name and password to access this database for author uploads and to edit existing profiles.

The author upload function will request the following information:
Author Name, website, photo, biography, bibliography, media files (embedded code for video/audio files), and the ISBNs of published titles.
(NOTE: Book cover images will feed in from the Christian Books & More database from the ISBN you provide, so if there is a problem with the image, please double-check that you are giving an accurate ISBN and that your title is registered in the CB&M database through Bookstore Manager (

Before proceeding, please double check the author listing to see if your author is already profiled from a previous submission or another publisher. Then you will know if you are CREATING a new profile or EDITING an existing one. If you are editing a profile that another publisher has set up for an author, please only add in any additional bibliography items, media files, and ISBNs. You may not edit any information that another publisher has entered for that author and you may only access an author record if your publishing house has published a title from them.

If you have further questions, please contact [email protected].

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Please login to manage author records.